12/21/2012 and what unemployment does to me.

Dec 22, 2012 01:59

Well, "Doomsday" was pretty uneventful.

In fact, the past week has been the same. My eyes actually feel strained from looking at the screen for too long. If I'm not doing chores, I'm watching stuff on YouTube. Unemployment = being a mouse potato. Oh lord. I must find a new job soon, but I'm not even sure that the goals I raved about months ago are what I really want.

Anyway. I finished rewatching this short Japanese drama, Papa to Musume no Nanokakan (7 Days of A Father and A Daughter). Why? I just really need to expose myself to Japanese media again. There was so much mumbling (aka dialogue) I couldn't understand. Not that I understood the mumbling when I was in Japan XD But yes. Rusty Japanese skills are rusty. That's it. I'm picking up my books again after Christmas.

One thing I've been practising these couple of days is my knot-tying. Decorative knots, as I don't do a lot of outdoorsy stuff.

Just to give you guys a background: I got into knot-tying early this year after reading the children's novel The Higher Power of Lucky. One of the characters, named Lincoln, was an avid knot-tyer. There was an illustration in the book showing the "ten-strand round knot" that Lincoln gave to Lucky, and it made me fall in love with decorative knots. I couldn't find a pattern for that knot though! Should've taken a photo of that page in the book. :(

As I scoured the net for knotting resources, I came along J.D. Lenzen's page -- Fusion Knots -- and eventually came to his YouTube channel, Tying It All Together. YOU GUYS. You have to try it. It seems like a useless hobby for non-crafters, but even if you don't consider yourself a creative person, I think it's worth trying out! As a stress reliever, therapy, whatever. It's a brain and dexterity exercise as much as it is a craftsy thing to do.

(Also, I read The Hunger Games trilogy after getting into knots, and I was like OMG FINNICK TIES KNOTS WE'RE KINDRED SPIRITS)

Here are some pictures so you can see what I mean. J.D. uses paracord now, but I just use whatever cord/string/rope I see around the house.

Top left: Cloud Knot
Top right: A fusion of the box knot and the panel knot
Bottom left: River Knot
Bottom right: Slightly smooshed Bumblebee Knot

The cloud knot and the box+panel fusion are the only ones I've memorized for now.
And yes, that is an unused round shoelace!

I show my parents and my sisters the finished knots and they're like yeah, that's pretty, but what is it for? I keep explaining that you can use decorative knots for jewelry and stuff and sell them, but they still don't get its appeal. Haha! Oh well.

It's 2AM. I should sleep now.

woes, 12/21/2012, knot-tying, japanese, i need to brush up on mah skillz yo, real life

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