(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 17:56

i don't understand why infatuated teenagers feel they have to end every xanga or lj entry with
"i love you sooooooooooo much (*insert boy/girlfriend's name here*)"
or "i love you bunches and bunches!!"
it's as if they forget to profess their love ONE time, it's all over.

i mean really.

sparknotes is quite possibly the most useful thing i've ever come across. i read the plot overview for King Lear and it's hilarious. with Goneril and Regan fighting over Edmund and Regan posioning Goneril or something great like that. i've nly got 5 more scenes in the entire play to read and i'm doooooone. and 9 more to do in my project. i printed off more pictures today for it and can finish 3 scenes tomorrow.

i'm so close to being done. i just need another 7 or so songs for the soundtrack

bah, today's so ugly

i'm so exhausted

woo, i get a professional massage tomorrow!

and i'm waitressing saturday morning, monday night, and next friday night.
yay more money
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