Jul 16, 2007 05:12
I day I met Sugizo, I thought "I wonder what Uruha would have acted like if he met Sugizo..."
Sugizo is Uruha's childhood idol.
And for Sugizo to be in a band now, with Uruha being in a band too. They are going to like fight aganist each other on the hit charts and stuff!
Both being guitarist. Wow. I don't know how I would act. And Sugizo doing fansercive with Miyavi! I wonder what Uruha thinks about that... Him and Miyavi both being with PSCompany...
Well theGazettE is officially back on tour!
Super depressed I cant make any of the concerts D=
Come to America!! Uruha, Sugizo is here! You get over here too XD haha
Now I wonder how I would act if I met Uruha..
HAHA what am I kidding? I would probly cry my eyes out of happiness :D
LMAO and I didnt even really care about meeting Sugizo and hes a freaking legend in Japan XD haha
well Sugizo is really nice and gives good hugs, so Uruha should be happy if he ever mets him XD