and the games begin...

Jan 02, 2006 01:48

we got 12 or more days left of operations and they start to play games. These mother fuckers... My tolerance isn't really as high as i thought it was. Really sucks when you get fucked over. My gear was in the aid station so the SNCO's decide to steal something off it when my back is turned. Piece of shit NVGs A cheap camcorder can out do those shitty overpriced equipment. So this SSGT i "had" a great respect for tells me i wasn't watching my gear. I told him

"whats the difference between you stealing my shit. If you really want it youll fuking have it no matter what if its arms distance. So whats the difference if i went to your room while your sleeping and took your rifle."
"Thats not the point Doc"
"No i don't agree with you. You guys stole it cause you wanna fuck with me"
"Thats not the point Doc, you have to be accountable and watch you gear"
"It was with my flak and the duty was watching it and you stole it"
"See? One arms distance anyone at night can take it"
Fuking hypocrite.

Man i left the line company cause of these fuking games. I think games are so much more worse than actual operations here. This guy is all preachy about God and he does a back stabbing number like that and steals from me? See what i fuking mean about these fake Christians. All preach no follow. You're constantly surrounded by power tripped idiots. I don't even want to include writing the extra bullshit they're giving me cause it'll just annoy me more.

My new years resolution. Is quitting smoking and geared towards learning selflessness and patience. I think patience is the most important of it all. As much as i wanna flatten this guys face or worse, i have to learn to be patient for shit like this.

The good thing i got out of today was i was able to talk to my wife. I was 1 minute short of talking to her on the 12:00am hit. I could hear everyone yelling in the background but it was cool though. I wonder if its just superstition. Whatever you do on New Years happens the whole year. I timed getting in line to talk to her. 1030 am here is 1130 pm in Cali. So my phone time was 30 mins. I wrote her a long ass letter. Im taking a more straight forward approach to problems. So the letter was pretty blunt on what needed to be changed for us to work. I want her input too though. We'll see. Patience has been a real key factor in relationship because of the distance apart.

life, stress, love, setbacks

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