What purpose is this experiment meant to serve? Just showing off? Really? Demonstrating control through removing proper mental control? Cute, Malnosso. Very cute. It's not as if I--NO. NO. *****
[And then it switches to
this. Yes, the Master is purposefully and rather angrily thinking in Gallifreyan. Which...well...YES the Doctor will be able to read but it's better than absolutely everyone.] ~How is this journal transcribing thoughts? And it looks like it's only paper, how advanced--~ I suppose it could be a social experiment. Seeing how long it takes for everyone's deepest secrets to rise to the surface and for everyone to be at each other's throats. Personally, I can't wait. ~I need--~ [And THEN it becomes a horrible and difficult to read jumble because the Master is layering thoughts. Circles and dots and spirals everywhere, in some places an entire disc of red ink. About the only readable thing is:] ~Good.~
[Unhackable//Private to Jack]
It goes both ways, you know. Perhaps I can't I hide from you forever, but neither can you, likewise. Or your sweet little family you live with. Your house smells like a Freak and two Time Lords, it took me all of 40 minutes to find it. [Jumbled red ink masses.] Jenny's rather like her father, you know. Completely convinced of her own invulnerability and ability to change me. I think she'll make a rather wonderful research subject. [Ink] Of course...I'm willing to be convinced to replace her.
[ooc: Jenny-mun, DON'T WORRY. I'm not godmodding. This is just a trap. Well....I'm godmodding maybe a little bit. Post up for a point when Jenny is not actually home?
Edit: Also, Jack's thread not worksafe, rated something equally unsafe due to torture and to Jack.]