(no subject)

Jun 05, 2005 14:57

There's nothing quite like a fresh, clean desktop. I used to make a bi-monthly ritual or thereabouts of redoing my desktop with a new wallpaper, new icons and a new look for my GUI. I stopped doing it in earnest a little over a year ago, and I'm never quite sure why. It's a very refreshing change, especially since I spend so much time staring at my goddamn computer.

This should also signal that I'm going to be redoing my Livejournal layout again sometime soon, so as to give the appearance that I am driven to update. I wubs the OS-tans, I do, but it's time for a change.

Finding a wallpaper that I really liked was a serious pain in the ass, though. My usual standout, the formerly indominable Pixelgirl's, did not have anything that caught my eye this time around, so I decided to turn to DeviantArt. And I don't know if you've ever had a good look at DA, but has anyone ever noticed how everything looks almost exactly the goddamn same? While it varies from genre to genre, there seems to be one huge, overriding theme that is holding the consciousness of the "artists" there in a white-knuckled grip. It's honestly kind of sickening. To elaborate on a specific instance, it's like how popular "anime styled" drawings are becoming; don't get me wrong, I love anime and its style, of course, but it just seems like every kid that can hold a pencil now is doing a blatant immitation with a Japanese appearance. Some of these people do have very impressive technical skill, I'm not going to deny that, but it's so hollow. Copies of copies have no expression in them, and that is essentially what these amount to. It's all just a bunch of empty prettiness devoid of meaning or artistic sensibility. These things are honestly so bad that labelling them as "portentous" would actually be a compliment.

I guess the point is just that it's depressing to see so many people who have the kind of raw talent I'd give an arm and three teeth for have about a half-thimbleful of geniuine artistic ability between them. I'm certainly not bourgeoisie enough to make sweeping statements about what art is or should be, but when I have to sift through a few hundred pieces of work and find only one or two that are genuinely captivating and not obsessed with just looking really shiny in the interest of brainless comments it's just downright offensive. This kind of thing is to be expected, I know, but the level of sameness was absolutely stunning even to me and demanded some kind of comment.

Speaking of brainless, I paid a visit to the political art section. Holy shit, don't even get me started.

Anyway, next update should feature a new design (hopefully) and the next installment of the most scintilating new feature on teh intraweb... THE AUDIOJOURNAL~!

come crawling faster, obey your master
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