And Now, A Meme

Apr 28, 2005 01:05

Make a list of everyone on your Friend's List and beside their name write where/how you met them. See if you can remember!

Put one * in front of the members of your friends list who you have talked to on the phone, a + in front of any who have your address, and = in front of any you have been close enough to reach out and touch.

azureskies - Met him from the since dried-up community of 73h_31337, and while I commented on his LJ a few times, we've never actually conversed. He's the guy I usually steal LJ memes from, though.
badbrain - Manson, from the SWF. I believe he originally friended me when he first got his Livejournal, which he doesn't update all that often. We speak occasionally via #SWF, which I frequent less and less often.
crusen86 - Crusen is an Australian friend of mine who booked the first SWF match I was ever involved in. I believe he was one of the original three or four people I had friended with this journal, although I think in that time he's written, like, two updates.
dace59 - Another SWFer, who friended me the moment he got his journal. Once again, he doesn't update anymore.
=dracothrope - Met her at Animethon last year, when I went to see Kat. She friended me just before then, IIRC. We've exchanged a couple of comments in that time, but she doesn't seem to like me very much. :(
godrea - Another SWFer, I think I was the first person to friend 'Drea when she got her journal.
+janusd - Janus and I have been friends for almost three years now. We hit it off during a legendary four hour chat session where hentai, fanfiction, anime, furries and other such esoteric internet pop culture was discussed, and he was the person I borrowed an LJ activation code from to start this journal, back when you needed activation codes. He should have my address from when I mailed him some CDs with the entire series of Cowboy Bebop on them.
=jkatkina - Janus introduced me to Kat in the summer of 2003, when he randomly invited her to #SWF. I mentioned I had an LJ, and she friended me then, along with Thoth. We didn't really become friends until last year, when I left long, thoughtful comments on her journal and then got asked to come to Animethon to buy some arts. We don't talk as often as I would like.
jshwtm - Mike. Another SWFer who friended me when he got his journal started.
mytildebang - Tom. Good friend of mine who PMed me on TSM about a match we were having, and everything just kind of went from there. He friended me once he got his journal.
mai_sama - Friend of Thoth's, who was introduced to me by him. I'm not sure what happened to her journal, but she was one of the original people to friend me.
powerplay - Kris. Yet another case of an SWFer who friended me once he got his journal. I remember the first time I met him, he was insanely hyperactive. Now he's stoic and sagely. Go figure, huh?
someoneclever - King! I succeeded him as head booker for the fed. He friended me some time after he found out I had a livejournal.
+soxrule321 - Was a grizzled retiree the first time I spoke to him in chat. I believe he threw cabbages at me. Our friendship sort of blossomed from there, over time, as I was one of the few other people he knew who was capable of discussing sports extensively. Should have my address from when I sold him my original Xbox.
superstare - SS. Once again, another person I knew from the fed who friended me after his journal was activated.
the_experiment - Friended me in the first few days after I made this journal, although not with this account. Currently, we play World of Warcraft quite a bit together. He hasn't updated his blog in quite some time.
*thoth2020 - One of the first people to friend me on LJ. Thoth and I have an interesting relationship, one that usually centers around videogames, playing each other at video games, and getting beaten very badly by him at video games. We've never called one another, per se, but we have spoken using the voice feature on Xbox Live numerous times.
trialbyfaith - Another SWFer who recently got a Livejournal. I can't remember the last time we actually talked, but he was my chief subordinant when I ran the SJL. I should get around to commenting on his journal sometime, since I have read all of his infrequent entries.

No wonder I don't get many comments. Most of these accounts are dead.
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