(no subject)

Apr 08, 2005 21:08

I'm beginning to wonder if it's not time for a new AOL screename. I've had the one I'm using since I got Instant Messanger, and I'm starting to get quite bored of it. Given that I'm on AOL pretty much the entire time I'm online, and it is thus my most visible online presence, I'm open to name suggestions of all kinds.

About how long do you think it would take a person to learn how to draw, focusing just on one style and particular subject? I'm aware there's a lot of variables -- mainly, if you have any fucking talent at all -- but I'm just curious. I was considering trying to learn how to draw at the start of the year, but certain intangibles blocked me from proceeding as I had planned. If you guessed, "being really fucking lazy," congratulations, here's one e-cookie. Of course, there was also the internal debate of "But if you knew how to draw, would you just waste your skill like you do with writing?"

Is it wrong that I've become so bored lately that I'm actually sitting, watching porn for more than just wank material? I can only think of a handful of times I've done that in the past, and it was all for (seriously) educational purposes. I've been in ruts before, but when you flip back between TSM and LJ about 80 times a day, and then go watch some porn just for the hell of it, you may be encroaching on all new lows. On that note, Bible Black actually has a pretty decent story. It's like, they started with an idea that centered around scatology, and then from that humble seed, it blossomed into a compellingly erotic tale about the occult.

And for my next trick, I'll liken the tentacles in La Blue Girl to a metaphore about rigid society and oppressive parenting holding back a young woman as she comes of age. OK, I lied, she just comes.

you know what to do
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