But not
this one. 1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
These questions sprung from the twisted mind of
janusd 1. How would all my drama end if I was vindictive as you instead of calm?
I think you might have a lot less friends. I mean, think about it -- you've surrounded yourself with people who become inordinantly concerned when you aren't being all bouncy hyper fun cheerful yay! Sit down and think, just for a moment, the exact kind of reaction you may illicit if you were as horribly irrational and violent about things as I am. It would be an atrocity. Men would die.
2. What's the worst anime - we're talking plot, characters, absolutely everything sucking - you've ever seen?
Good question. Naturally, I've excluded any hentai from the argument, because then that makes this too easy. I'm inclined to say Dragonball Z, but surely you expect better out of me. I'm also inclined to say Sakura Wars, but its really good animation and theme song save it. I really, really hated Bubblegum Crisis, but that's mostly because what I saw included dubbed music which made me regret being born with the sense of sound. It's supposed to be a staple of the 80's cyber-punk flavour, so I guess that wouldn't be right. I remember that, before I became a pretty hardcore anime junkie, I saw a bunch of really, really bad anime on television, usually OVAs of somekind or feature-length stuff. I don't remember the names of any of it, unfortunately, but some of it included, but wasn't limited to:
-A story about an all-female crew on a space ship that were being impregnanted by all-male aliens in an attempt to crossbreed a species, which, in addition to being a really bad Alien ripoff, featured numerous exploding women and nonsensical nude scenes.
-An anime about old people, and a gaint geriatric robot, and oh my god I don't even remember because it was so bad.
-Something about the entire planet being hit by an alien amnesia ray and the only human with his memories intact having the intellect of a five year old and travelling around with one of the aliens, who discovers the true meaning of love or some goddamn thing and puts out for him.
-And there was this one taking place in this weird looking futurescape that centered around trains and had bizarre, gangly-limbed characters. It included the main character... I think it was the main character... who had long blonde hair and a bolshevik hat. My memory on this is so foggy I'm not sure it's fair to put it here; it may have been early Miyazaki or something.
To conclude this overlong answer, I honestly don't know. I've seen a lot of bad anime, but never one all-consuming, ultimately terrible anime.
3. By some twist of fate, you and Annie get married and the relationship works out. What would you call your kids?
Well, let's ask the lady herself, why don't we?
reality55check: OK, question for you, and you can thank Janus for this one.
tg160330: uh oh
tg160330: hit me with it, heh
reality55check: If, on some distant planet, on some distant day, we were to have children, what would they be named?
tg160330: firstborn son would have to be named "Argonaut" with the nickname "argo"
tg160330: beyond that, who knows?
reality55check: I'm thinking there'd be a daughter, and she'd have a really hard time in life, because her first name would be "King."
tg160330: heh
tg160330: no, that'd probably just be my nickname for her
tg160330: a daughter, probably Marie or, well... Annie
tg160330: our kids would be fuuuuuucked up most likely
reality55check: Sif we couldn't be model parents.
reality55check: "No, no. You throw the controller like this!"
tg160330: ahaha
tg160330: have to make pillows with targets so they dont' break
tg160330: "Which is the best system, dear?" "Knee-oh... gee-oh" "Good girl"
reality55check: We'd pull them out of school to make vacations to E3! It'd be awesome!
4. Do you have any beliefs in spirits or the supernatural?
As in ghosts, or as in God? As far as the latter goes, I'm a baptized Roman Catholic and the church was such a big part of my early life that it's very difficult for me to totally seperate myself from any kind of religious belief, even if I'm extremely cynical and non-practicing.
As far as the former, well, I've never had any experience to convince me personally, but whenever you watch MTV's Fear or one of those paranormal reality shows, it's kind of hard NOT to believe in ghosts. I doubt you've seen that show, so the premise goes like this: There's about six random cast members, all real people, who are sent to a supposedly haunted location. Over the course of two days and nights, they're supposed to investigate the location through 'dares' and discover whether or not it's really haunted. There's no camera crews or host; just the people who were sent out there. Some of the shit they're made to do is fucking unfair: Go sit in the bottom of a furnace where children fell in and burned to death and maintain radio silence for three hours, stay in a haunted room for twenty-three hours, etc. A lot of weird, coincidental things happen... it makes it hard not to believe, even if you don't really see anything. I'm rather superstitious and scare pretty easily, though.
5. Your favourite game of all time and why this is so?
As much as WoW has consumed my life, I don't think it's ever going to overtake the game I played last year, which immediately burrowed itself into my heart. I loved Xenogears like a child, and it rather easily surpassed any other game I played. It takes for-the-fuck-ever to really get going (a solid eight hours of playtime), but once it does, it sucks you in and just refuses to let go. By the time you're finished with the game, it honestly feels like you've lived out the entire life of the main characters. I can't think of any other game I've had that much of a vested interest -- an emotional attachment to the characters. Simply amazing.