And a meme.

Jan 11, 2005 00:03

Bands // Song Titles

Created by BourdiezFreak and taken 18737 times on bzoink!
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Rolling StonesAre you female or male:I Just Want To See His FaceDescribe yourself:Midnight RamblerHow do some people feel about you:Sympathy for the DevilHow do you feel about yourself:Gimme' ShelterDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Beast of BurdenDescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:You Can't Always Get What You WantDescribe where you want to be:Let's Spend the Night TogetherDescribe what you want to be:Tumbling DiceDescribe how you live:No ExpectationsDescribe how you love:Until They Make Me RunShare a few words of wisdom:Time Waits for No One
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I was tempted to use "Rocks Off' to answer the "Describe How You Love" question.
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