*today the mod hat has poofy spikes and bells like a jester's cap*
New news, peeps. Originally the 'series cap' on EXE was an effort to stem the number of alternate journals for specific characters as well as a way for us to keep our members from picking up a journal simply for 'teh shiny' of it, and then not playing the character once 'teh shiny' wore off.
We think we can do better.
A cap on the number of alternates for any single character (Note that any established character is another set of alternates. CopyX is not the same as X, nor is iX (from the manga) the same as either CopyX or X- or even the Cyber Elf X from MMZ.
If we do this, we would not completely eliminate the possibility of someone applying for an alternate of said character- but they'd have to do a little more work to get it.
Example: If you wanted an Enzan- you'd have to demonstrate extremely superior rping skills (even if you're a current member) as well as have a long-term goal for your character when you apped him/her.
This might in fact extend to the main characters who have not yet gained several alternates, simply because past rping situations have revealed their popularity. In this case, we'd need to you demonstrate 'mad skilz' and a long-term plot for any of the Big Name Characters. (Blues.exe, Enzan, Netto, X, Zero, Megaman, etc.)
In addition to this- we'll require a mun to maintain activity with this character once they have obtained them. It wouldn't be fair to other people who'd enjoy the chance of playing 'an Enzan' to see one of the number be inactive where they would be active.
We are also thinking about a stricter required activity level. We don't want to have to warn people about their lack of activity- but we do need everyone to be more aware of the fact that they have characters who aren't being played.
We don't want to make people post, but if you have a character that you've used twice and then let drop entirely, that's not a good thing, people. :/
It's wasted potential, and it's possible guilt for you because you have a pup other players would like to see used, but the player is inactive.
Suggestions on spans of time for the activity requirement would not go amiss, by the way.
Better not to have them on your list (so you don't have to come up with some way to utilize them in the next comm-wide plot line).
It should also be noted that we see the various series as different sections of the Megaman/Rockman phenomenon.
You already knew that- but we've got a few more series since the last time there was a list.
We have MegaMan Classic, Classic Manga, MegaMan Legends, MegaMan X, MMX Manga, MegaMan Zero, MMZ Manga, EXE, the EXE games, EXE Manga, Toonverse, ZX, ZX Manga (HOW DOES IT ALREADY HAVE A MANGA?!) and (please let me know if I'm forgetting anything).
We wouldn't mind suggestions on a possible 'ultimate cap' for alternates between series. 20 Enzans is about fifteen too many.
We wouldn't mind suggestions on all of the various points, in fact. Please toss your two cents here- *doffs cap and holds it out*