[a displeased snort] By a very narrow margin. Apparently, no one can quite figure out what you are. Three had you as heterosexual, two as homosexual and two as asexual... and one of those asexual voters said you reproduce by budding.
[doesn't move, though he's sorely tempted to punch the Master for getting too close] Something like that, yeah. And I don't give a damn how you treat me, but you don't go near my team. You don't have any reason to anymore. Got it?
If they come near me of their own accord, I will do as I like - but I've no particular reason to initiate contact...
[the Master chuckles for a moment, then speaks lowly] Just remember, Mr. Hunt... in accepting this? You work for me, now. You obey my orders as I give them, should I need to.
[glowers at him, arms still crossed] We'll see how well that works. Boss or not, I'm still the Gene Genie and I do what I want, how I want it. That's not bloody well going to change.
[pats him on the shoulder] I don't care how you go about my orders. If there's someone I want locked away, and there is legal reason for you to do it, as long as the person is caught... it makes no difference to me.
[he smirks] You've made a wise choice, Mr. Hunt. I treat my allies very well, provided they remain useful to me.
[the Master chuckles for a moment, then speaks lowly] Just remember, Mr. Hunt... in accepting this? You work for me, now. You obey my orders as I give them, should I need to.
[glowers at him, arms still crossed] We'll see how well that works. Boss or not, I'm still the Gene Genie and I do what I want, how I want it. That's not bloody well going to change.
[pats him on the shoulder] I don't care how you go about my orders. If there's someone I want locked away, and there is legal reason for you to do it, as long as the person is caught... it makes no difference to me.
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