[Jamie has dragged the large wooden chest from Two's TARDIS onto the Plane, and is currently occupied with pulling out the contents in a search for...something. Either the chest is completely crammed full of things, or like so many of the Doctor's belongings is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, as there is a quite a lot of stuff
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In frustrated Japanese:]
That is Norwegian. Why can't I understand Norwegian?
The Plane's gone and done something again. It's not just to me this time, though.
[He's pretty sure Toki gets that, however.]
I can't understand English or even the Gaelic I was talking to you with last time. Just that and...whatever this is.
I can't understand English, either. Someone should fix things if they are broken.
Not knowing makes it confusing when I'm getting yelled at...
I'm hoping my Doctor can help think of something, but there's a wee problem with getting to him right now.
Why would anyone yell at you, anyway?
Call him and tell him to come to your house. The best doctors do that.
[At this point he looks away.]
Welp... I'm only second fastest guitar player in the world. There is still a first. He is... difficult. [And Toki's sudden souring expression is all one needs to know about his opinion on Skwisgaar.] Stupid and unreasonable all of the time.
Aye, that would make it easy. The soldiers took him off to some tower, though. Somehow I don't think they'll let him have a phone.
[Jamie wasn't expecting the reason for the yelling to be over that, however. He's quite taken aback for a moment, then frowns. Whoever this person is, Jamie's not sure he cares for his attitude.] Oh, I see. Well, I'll not do that to you, Toki. We're to be friends, after all.
[And friends don't yell at friends because they aren't the fastest at something.]
Do you want to help me look for a wee bit of rope in this thing?
[Toki is totally turning people against Skwisgaar. Awesome.] That's right. We're friends! [At least he's agreeable?]
Yeah, I'll help. What is the rope for?
[More times than he cares to count, actually. Jamie smiles, though, because they're friends now. Honestly, even if Toki had said no, Jamie would have still thought of him as one. He does tend to get into that particular mindset really quickly.]
The rope? Aye, well, I figure if I can find a good sized rock I can tie that to it and throw it through one of the tower windows, if it has them. Although...if there's something I could use to make a grappling hook, that'd be better.
[Toki is eager to please, always. He's happy he's made a pal. He steps closer so that he can dig through the chest of holding.]
Wowiee--! This must be where socks go when furniture eats them.
No, I'd say that part's not, so much. I suppose it's bound to happen though, given what we do...hey, my paddle ball game!
[He pulls it out, only to discover the ball part has gone missing. A distinct look of disappointment appears on his face.]
[And over the shoulder it goes.]
You find anything yet?
[He holds up an old 1840s era prairie dress in response.]
I found this. You can dress up like a girl and try to get in that way! Or you can hire a hooker. That might be better.
[... Toki is a way more convincing girl actually.]
[He's had quite enough of that from the other times he's had to do so, thank you. It takes him a minute or so to process 'hooker', however, as the term wasn't really used in his day.]
You mean a prostitute? It's not such a bad plan, if there was someone else who could dress up like one, maybe. [That way the other person could distract them while Jamie slipped inside.] I'll not put an actual lass in harm's way, though. Not if I can help it.
No, there has to be something else.
[He shrugs and bends down to continue digging.]
You could always tell them to look the other way, then shove firecrackers in their pants.
[He shakes his head, then starts to dig again as well.] Firecrackers won't work. They've got armor on. Great big plates that fit like a second skin, except they're made out of some sort of metal, I think.
[It does seem to have started Jamie thinking, however.] Although...it doesn't cover their faces. Maybe if there's a smoke bomb in here I could use that instead.
[He pulls out some cooking utensils.]
Wowiee, everything is in here. Maybe we can find Narnia!
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