Sep 22, 2010 19:47

E-excuse me. I think there's been some kind of misunderstanding. I - I just met Sault-san and Lapis-san and Lazuli-san and now I've somehow found my way here.

[They all seemed like such nice people, and so welcoming~]

I thought I was in a shop, but now I can't even find a door. It looks like something from a world beyond. Places like this only exist in horror films and scary stories.

[She thinks about this deeply for a few minutes. Suddenly she freezes, and then gapes, completely shocked.]

Unless - unless everything everyone used to say wasn't a misunderstanding at all and I really did somehow channel supernatural powers to access this place. All this time I was afraid I disappointed everyone with my lack of ghostly powers. When I go home I'll have to tell Ayane-chan for sure, but I'll try to do it when Chizu-chan isn't around. That way she won't be too scared.

[Sawako stares off into space as she thinks about this, staring up at the stars over her head.]

kimi ni todoke (d1) kuronuma sawako

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