[There is a new strange little building on the Plane! Anyone who wishes to examine it can see it's made of plain tan brick with oxidized-copper-colored accents at the windows and doors. It's styled in a very organic, free-flowing, art-nouveau style, with stained glass windows. Really, it's
quite lovely, in a simple way.
There is, helpfully, a large bronze plaque just next to the front door, which in large ornate engraved letters, clearly identifies it as THE PRINCESS DOROTHY GALE'S MAGICAL LABORATORY AND EDUCATION CENTRE. In smaller letters underneath, it adds a lovely image of entwined poppy flowers, and the words WALK-INS WELCOME.
Inside there are some
winding stairways leading upwards and downwards, but just past those to the right is a
great room that is as inviting as it is lovely.
Maybe it's so inviting because there's the smell of warm, freshly-baked muffins coming from inside? Apparently the Princess herself is baking. You should probably go in and get some before the Master shows up and gets HONGRY and noms them all in a super-creepy nomming rampage.]