[Haseo's in a noticeably bad mood when she appears on the Plane. Well, this isn't too surprising; she's still reeling from a certain
fight with d3!Pi some time ago. Losing control and going batshit on an alternate version of a friend-ally-person is bad on many levels - it's one more screw-up, and hadn't she decided she'd never do something like that again?
...However, there's also the nightmares to deal with. She'd been having some bad ones before accessing this place (thanks, screwed-up family,) and they've gotten worse since first accessing the Plane. That fight did not help, and not sleeping seemed like a good way to avoid the nightmares...
Result: one cranky, slightly out-of-it white-haired person on the Plane, sitting down next to her scythe, which she is not letting out of her sight. Yes, she's still lugging that thing around.]
[ooc: The
nightmares strike again, whee.]