Aug 28, 2009 20:28
{She's reaching out as she appears on the Plane, but her fingers grasp at the air before her hand falls back to her side.}
He's gone. He doesn't...remember.
{She starts to laugh, but it's very broken, and unsettling}
Ne, is that what Amshel meant? Disgusting, filthy, lying humans. I can't---shouldn't trust them. It's why, why Amshel, everyone died! They left me, and now, he's gone too. I hate them! I--I...
{But her mood changes again, and Diva takes a few delicate steps forward before she simply drops to her knees, her hands clutching tightly at her side as she begins to tremble}
I'm sorry, I really am sorry---Why didn't you say goodbye? Ne, what about your promise? Why did you...Please, please come back, Sam! I love you, I need you, please don't be gone! Don't leave me! I don't, can't be alone, you--
{She breaks off, starting to sob absolutely miserably}
((ooc: note, Diva is extremely unstable now, and prone to violence if put in the wrong spot. I'll tell you if it's going that way, but just a slight warning~))
blood plus (d2) diva