Mar 14, 2009 20:58
[In honour of pi day, Owen has bought a pie with the first few digits of pi iced onto it. Owen, who you may notice is now wearing glasses, is standing awkwardly, while Tosh and Ianto are looking at the pie in obvious amusement.] really got her a pie for pi day?
[Tosh is giving the pie a weird look] It's, um, got pi on it.
[Well, Owen looks thoroughly embarrassed, glancing between the two of them defensively] You mean you don't like it? It's - I mean, it's supposed to be a joke.
[And Ianto really can't hold back a snort at that. Because.... well. Because.] Sorry. It's just... well, it's a bit tacky, isn't it?
[Tosh nods in agreement] And a bit...dorky, too. I mean, pi day? It's just a made up holiday. Not even a holiday, really, just an excuse for geeks to eat pie.
[:C, says the Owen-face.] Tosh, I thought you'd at least... [sigh] Never mind. All right, I'll get rid of it. [and he looks at the pie again, looking dejected and embarrassed]
[Ianto, although still very obviously amused by this, shakes his head.] No, don't. There's no sense wasting it. We could eat it in that meeting later. There's enough for five of us, right?
[Tosh wrinkles her nose] It's got icing on it, though. Who eats pie with icing?
[Avoiding Tosh's eyes] Should be.
[Still trying not to laugh.] We can have it later. Don't worry, Tosh. You can just scrape the icing off yours.
I'm not sure Adam really likes pie, anyway.
[Sighs] Well, it's here if anyone wants it.
[Vaguely sympathetic smile.] Don't worry, Owen. I'm sure someone'll have it.
doctor who (d8) owen harper,
doctor who (d8) toshiko sato,
doctor who (d8) ianto jones