(no subject)

Oct 30, 2008 04:40

[A ruddy-dressed man appears in the middle of the Plane, squinting from beneath a really horrible old hat.]

Och. This must be sum kind o' witchery... De'il be damned an' curse 'is mum, there be stars where there ought to be ain't. I dinnae ask fer this, ye ken? An' who wud? Ach... too old fer this. Wonder if'n Private Pulsifer canna tell me wot this all's aboot.

[He takes a long drag off a cigarette hidden in his hands calmly and looks around, as if waiting.]

... Ye kin send me back anyday now.


Ye've got sum nerve, keepin' a man like me 'gainst 'is will. A lotta nerve. Wot do ye ken ye git? I've a mighty finger, aye, I'll tell ye, I'm a man with a hand, an' I'm not afraid t' use it. Th' first Witchfinder on record e'er t' perform an exorcism on a demon... er... I think...

[He considers this for a long moment, then lets it go. His memory slips when he tries to think of the occasion.]

'Course, I'm retired now, but if I canna git rid o' a witch an' 'er wiles thin I was nae a Witchfinder ever. [coughs loudly] Figures I'd hef t' deal wi' a bunch o' Southern pansies. Aye... Ne'er a good explinashun fer anythin' when there should be.

[a little louder] Sen' me back or I'll be forced ta use sum lethal weaponry, ye ken!? Ye deaf'n'ignorant totterin' lean-witted malkins! YE KEN?!

good omens (da) shadwell

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