LJ Interests meme results
- concerts:
Concerts are so much fun! It's more about the atmosphere than the music. That, and laughing at all the drunk people while sitting in traffic always ends the night on a fun note...until you realize you'll be sharing a road with them... - football:
Football is a relatively new interest of mine. I used to hate it, but then I started watching OSU football and then I discovered the greatness that is Peyton Manning and the rest is history. - internet:
Sadly, this is more of an addiction than an interest, and it has been for about 10 years now. I wonder how many hours of my life I've spent on the Internet, wait a minute, no I don't. - kasey kahne:
Kasey Kahne is my new NASCAR driver, since my beloved Terry Labonte is retiring. He's gorgeous and talented, a very attractive combination. He's one of few men that I find hot when he is scruffy. He's dropping quickly in the points, so I hope he gets his stuff together. Either way, I'll still love him. - music:
Music is my life. I could not imagine life w/o music. It would be so dull and boring. There are songs for every moment, every feeling. I love pretty much every kind of music. I think it's sad when people restrict themselves to simply one genre, they're missing out on so much! - my dogs:
I absolutely love my dogs. They make me smile when I've had a horrible week (sadly, I only get to see them on the weekends). They love you no matter what, and that's all I could ask for. - nascar:
NASCAR is my family's passion. We all like different drivers and there is lots of trash talk, but we all love it, and it's something that we get to experience together. Live races are absolutely amazing. I can't wait to be a part of it all someday. - pbr:
PBR is lots of cute, tough, talented cowboys. What more do you need? Their bravery and dedication amazes me. - reading:
I have loved reading ever since I could remember. I absolutely love suspense thrillers. It's all about the serial killers, lol. Those are the kinds of books that I want to write someday. That's pretty much all I read. Every once in awhile I'll read some teeny bopper book that my sister forces upon me (Meg Cabot rocks! LoL!). JD Robb books are freaking awesome! - taco bell:
When I'm rich I'm going to have a taco bell in my house. I'll probably weigh 800lbs, but it will be well worth it. Taco Bell is heaven in a tortilla. Chalupas and Soft Tacos are the best. I cary mild Taco Bell sauce around in my purse...it comes in handy more often than you'd think!
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