.finally it's summer.

Jun 19, 2004 22:49

yyaaayy!! finally it's summer!!!! yay rocks man. i haven't wirtten in a while. oweeeellll.

hmm so last day of school was thursday and we played freeze tag after my exam in theatre so fun...then me and allie wen to walgreens i love her hair by the way!!!!!

errrrrrrr. chris moved on wed. suckssssss. japanese field trip sometime..how much does that cost?

then also christine is moving to kansas city, so now a kansas city field trip too. what the hell....so many field trips man. owell. it's cool. i can save money, i hope. hahaha

me and kelly hung out today after i got off work. i l0o0o0o0ove that girl!!!! we went to walgreens and picked out a hair dye so we could die her hair...we got  reddish-blonde and i did highlights for her. so awesome they are subtle but still look cute. then kelly went homeeeee. o but we took pictures of our fabulous time dying her hair/ before and after pics.

i wanted to hang out with nik today owell there is always tomoro. **hopefully. before he leaves for colorado.

i also wanted to hang out with shadoe buttttt that   bitch already had plans. owell. kelly is greattt fun!!! yay!!!

now i am just talking to people sort of board. if anyone wants to come stay the night you can. it's cool i'm bored and not doing shit man. come visit me. i want nik to come visit me ...aloootttt.

amanda called me the freak massstttttaaa. haha it was funny. and then she called herself the kink massttaa. i ono wierd. but owell. hahha it was funny it brightened my dull night after kell bell left me.

[[oh and kelly you need to learn how to pump gas]]....but i'll still do it for you.

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