I dONTknow whats going to happened after this year
i dont know if i will have the same friends i hope sooo
I dont know if im going to officailly not be friends with my best friend anymore because Im loosing her even though its not her fault.
I dont know If im going to stay happy how iam with myself
I dont know if im going to raise my grades by the time i get back to school.
I dont know if he will love me always.
I dont know if im going to finish cleaning this fucking room
I dont know when im going to cry again
I dont know why i havent talked to my bestfriend these past weeks
I dont know why i sometimes feel like im the last thing on his mind
I dont knwo why i think he thinks bout her sometimes
I dont know why im being all weird and writing this here
I dont know why i havent ben paying attension in class when i know i should
I dont knwo why Im always late
I dont know why i always keep everything til the last minute
I dont know wht im going to do for the new year
I dont know if my Bestfriend and I will ever be the same
I dont know if I will ever be the same