Mar 18, 2002 16:33
i think that the political veiw of the fox network should be changed to republican insted of all this liberal bull shit that im finding shows like "the family guy" and the "simpsons" that just really gives me the heeby geebys even shit shows like " that 80's show" and "futurama" have a liberal point of veiw . how are we going the educated the vast majority of the population that sit at home and watch this all day, and what about the children that watch these shows everynight these veiw and ideas are getting imprinted on there head. thus i think that the libearls are going to win for 1 hundred years straight at the start of 2018. that is when these tv children and internet drones are going to be able to vote. this is not good you hear this is why im on a quest to educate the public about this so bewear of the "FOX Network of SIN" and that finished my tanget for today tune in next time for another great rambling of Mr. MIke