I just suck as posting to things daily...weekly...monthly...Hey, I get around to it, okay?
It's been a long time since I posted yeah, but just not that much has happened. My garden is growing, so that's great, though I have an 11th Plague worth of squash bugs and cucumber beetles to contend with. I also have garden spiders that are worthless at their jobs.
I cut my hair super short. Whoppee.
I've also joined into a community of Kansas and KC based lolitas, so that's nice. I am getting to know people, and they've been quite fun so far.
I learned how to make my fathers buscuits and gravy. The legacy will be preserved.
One of my best and oldest friends died. It was horrible, but I'm getting over it.
I'm learning to draw children, which is good because I have a story that involves them.
I went to the Powell Gardens, and failed in my vow not to pilfer their cherry tomatoes. But I only pilfered from those that had already fallen on the ground, I took nothing from the plants. I got sunburned for my crimes. I suppose it was fitting punishment.
I joined Poupee Girl, which is one hell of a time waster. But it's fun and stupidly addictive, and I have a better wardrobe there than I ever will in real life. Here it is.
http://pupe.ameba.jp/cute/user Go ahead and add me, I'm very friendly.
I successfully recreated a recipe from a restaraunt. It's a yummy lemon-rosemary chicken. Goes well with steamed broccoli.
Not much else. Like I said, my life is just not exciting. And in a way, that is kind of a good thing.