back to the room where it all began

Jul 31, 2008 11:58

    This is last day of my six-week summer session, and I can't wait for it to be completely over. I'm totally wiped out, and I wish I had, knowing Joe was having surgery, just sucked it up and decided to stay at Ohlone another semester and not taken summer classes. I feel like a pretty major dick, leaving him home alone a few days after the fact, even if it's only for a few hours.

Tomorrow is Joe's birthday, but we're keeping it low-key since he's still recovering from surgery.

My sister is coming to stay the weekend because she has kidney stones, but my mom feels that it's more important to go spend the weekend with her boyfriend. It's cool having the siblings around now that they're like 16-17ish, but I can't believe my mom is leaving when Annie's in some serious pain.

Also, Jenni (my sister-in-law) should be coming by in the next few weeks, and so should Jeff Jackson, so that's pretty exciting.

And I'm working Faire again this year! At least, I hope so. (I did get a staffing-type e-mail from Foo, so I'm assuming that's a yes.) I just really, really need to make/buy a bodice that fits a little better. I might try asking Lisa to help me make one that sits closer to my hips and fits more like a corset but still counts as a bodice. That would make life a lot easier for six weekends. I'm hoping that I'll actually learn to do my homework the day it's assigned and not have any to do in the evenings instead of partying at Faire, but I might, since I'm taking eight or nine classes this coming semester.

Talk to me, people. Tell me about your day.
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