May 10, 2005 23:48
So yeah time for another fabulus update:
which will quickly turn into a fabulous rant I might add
So yeah my pregnant bitch of a boss fired me.
Because she thinks I deliberately defy her.
A bunch of BS.
I guess that she would like to flatter herself and think that I put that much thought into her.
I hated that job.
But what sucks is I needed it.
Another slap in the face is that she gave my position to my best friend Caroline.
I don't blame caroline in the least, fuck she deserved it.
But still...
It gets under my skin.
So I am jobless with rent due and bills to pay.
I also got food poisoning awhile ago,
yeah that sucked.
Not really looking for a job cause i have come to terms that I much rather sit on my ass.
It is much easier to sleep all day than face the world out there full of rejection.
Example: I go to a sushi bar across the street and see that they are looking for a hostess, I am thinking "wow it's not bad pay, really close to the house, and i can learn some japanese!"
Even though the woman there (owner's wife?) was very forthcoming about me turning in the application, introducing herself, and telling me what time she will call me.
I never got a call.
I dove by the restaurant only to see the the "looking for a hostess" sign taken down.
Is that rejection or what?
What a tease.
I am gunna apply at game stop, just for something.
Just until the lease is up.
Yeah I have desided I am officialy going back to hawaii for college for a number of reasons.
No I can't really go to college here for a number of reasons, which I am not getting into because I have explained them so much my brain has become mush.
The only problem is:
I love him so much, I want to be with him for the rest of my life.
But I know myself all too well.
Long distance relationship over a period of four years is NOT going to work.
I am a realist sorry.
Another number of reasons, and I am not getting into that...
My dad is paying for everything: free ride.
Does he want to live in Hawaii rent free for four years or less?
What the hell is wrong with him!?
-head explodes-
I am going to write a story or something.