Gray hair +04 [Voice]

Aug 26, 2011 13:50

[Part of her is hoping that all of Lilly's things are just stashed away in some corner and that the woman herself will pop up again the next day, but it's about time to admit that Lilly would never go through that kind of manual labor for no reason. Marica probably shouldn't be getting used to her friends leaving like this, but she's become quicker ( Read more... )

!adios lilly

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[voice] mydearapple August 26 2011, 22:10:14 UTC
[Oh my god, did you know that "Lilly's been sent home." posts are Caesar's favorite journal posts ever? It's like his birthday all over again!]

Sorry to hear that.


[voice] realityanchor August 26 2011, 22:17:15 UTC
[How sad, Caesar. Lilly loved you and your brother so.]

She's probably better off at home anyway. [Because she sounds loaded and important, if her words are anything to go by.] Sorry to spring this kind of news on you while you're busy with the draft.


[voice] mydearapple August 27 2011, 07:07:15 UTC
Ah, it is quite all right. I'm sure I'll live. [It's like, the best morale boost ever.] I hope her disappearance won't cause any trouble for you.


[voice] realityanchor August 27 2011, 08:11:56 UTC

Well, I can't say the timing is the best... I wanted her to try some of these tomatoes since we grew them together, but you can probably tell that it's not gonna happen.


[voice] mydearapple August 27 2011, 08:22:19 UTC

Now, by "grew them together", you mean that you planted and took care of them while she occasionally watched, correct?


[voice] realityanchor August 27 2011, 08:50:49 UTC
I... I mean, she did water them... but I think she learned a lot! [It's a big step going from nothing to something?!]


[voice] mydearapple August 28 2011, 08:10:10 UTC
I suppose that much is actually quite impressive for her.

[Not that he's impressed.]


[voice] realityanchor August 28 2011, 08:19:38 UTC
... I'll admit it took some convincing to even get that far. [And it came with the condition that Marica let Lilly dress her up. In retrospect, probably not the most equal agreement.] At least she tried, right?

Anyway, did you want to me to save some tomatoes for you? I'll pick the best ones!


[voice] mydearapple August 28 2011, 12:34:38 UTC
Better than nothing, certainly. [But the question is, was there a big feathered hat involved...? He considers her offer for a moment. Eh, why not.]

Sure, I guess I can take some of those tomatoes off your hands. But you don't have to save them-my brother is still at the house, so you can deliver them to him instead.


[voice] realityanchor August 30 2011, 03:35:42 UTC
Your brother... Albert, right? I had no idea you two were related!

Anyway, I'll be sure to drop them off. Where do you live?


[voice] mydearapple August 31 2011, 08:12:36 UTC
Ah, yes, he is my older brother. Some people say we kind of look alike. I don't see it!

Thanks. I appreciate the offer. [He filters the next bit and scribbles down the house number. Plenty of people already knew where they lived, but you know. No creepers!!] You can take them to house 42.


[voice] realityanchor August 31 2011, 14:42:16 UTC
Well, if I sort of imagine you side by side, I can see the resemblance. [It's mostly the hair, but.] You two look more alike than me and my sister do, anyway.

[She takes a look at the house number, tilts her head for a second, and then has a light bulb.] Oh, hey, this is right outside our place! That'll make things a cinch.


[voice] mydearapple September 1 2011, 08:23:45 UTC
Glad to hear it's not out of your way. We'll be sure to let you know how they are.

So you have a sibling, too, huh? Older or younger?


[voice] realityanchor September 1 2011, 08:30:21 UTC
Older. She's got black hair and likes to think she's everyone's mother. Actually, I heard that she was here a while before I arrived.


[voice] mydearapple September 1 2011, 08:50:43 UTC
[It seems like such a simple description, one that doesn't really stand out so much-]'re right. You two don't look alike at all.

[-you know, unless you've met her.]


[voice] realityanchor September 1 2011, 09:11:35 UTC
[That expression can only mean...] Oh, you've met Sisuca! [He's the first person she's talked to who has, as a matter of fact.] What did you think of her? Wouldn't have guessed we're related, right?


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