
Feb 14, 2006 03:45

so on friday me n jo went to craigs had a sexy time. made a cake. had a laugh. watched the new guy.. amazing. we aint stayed together the three of us in aggggges. so was fun.. saturday got a taxi to marks. ended up the taxi driver used to jump about with ma dad years ago, n i got told all these stories that ive heard before, about how ma dad climbed the pilons n how he broke his arm on purpose to get a day off school.. n he kept sayin how he respects him n all that blah blah n how he's glad to hear he's a stuntman n that. then i thought, my dads life was a bit of a state when he was younger.. n now he's a changed man totally, thanks to maw.. n he is quite amazing, but shh a didnt say that.. so got to marks n ossie was lookin cuter than ever. so adorable.  so mark made me lol tryin to impress me playin grand theft auto. crashed into a tree. one of them moments you'd a have to a been there a think. then mandy came in from work, n got to pick on mark which is always good. 2 against 1 n that. saturday night went out with craig ... then jo. was good. sunday went to see james <3 n then he took me to see his new flat, n alan was there yay <3 havent seen them both n ages was good just to hang out n that. today went n got pierced twice, nose n navel. my eye watered like a bitch when a got ma nose done =/ both not as sore as some ppl made them out to be. then when a got n mark phoned, went n met him at gilmour st, n went to cinema n some place to eat. felt so lucky tonight like all pure... a dunno just aye loved up inside lmao =$ a dunno a dont usually get like that but its what he does to me .. <3 im so lucky <3 must be with valentines day n that. so chuffed a dont have to go back to school till 23rd, fuckin hate the place, still not 100% sure why, aye maybe its cause im failin.. looks like kierans gonna be stayin here forever =D n a way im really happy n at the same time =/ like fuck .. just gonna make it harder when (if) he has to go back home. not fair on julie either. n how ragin am i?! you should be too. knockin down the barrowlands to built more flats!! :@

so bye

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