К чему может привести изменение адреса без уведомления Департамента Иммиграции и Пограничного Контро

Apr 30, 2015 01:07

Выдержка из решения Federal Circuit Court (Pathania v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2015] FCCA 932 (16 April 2015)) касательно способа уведомления Депараметом о вынесенном решении. В данном случае заявитель не уведомил Департамент об изменении своего адреса проживания, ошибочно предполагая, что Департамент обязан уведомлять о своих решениях исключительно посредством электронной почты:

“The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (Department) acknowledged receipt of the application for a Student visa by sending to the In the meantime, in June 2012 the applicant changed his residential address, and he did so again in July 2012. He says he did not advise the Department of these changes because it did not occur to him to update the Department. He says it did not occur to him because he had lodged the application for the Student visa on-line through an Internet portal on the Department’s website, he stated in his application that he had agreed to communicate by email and, he understood from the wording of the form of application and his communications with the Department that the Department would communicate with him by email. The Department sent the refusal decision to his notified residential address and this led to him not appealing to the Migration Review Tribunal in time. The applicant lost the appeal to the Federal Circuit Court”

Трибунальная практика- иммиграции в Австралию

Отказ в визе в Австралию, Апелляция и пересмотр дел в Трибунале, Австралия, Трибунальное

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