Bush creates largest marine sanctuaries in history...again

Jan 06, 2009 02:08

Remember when President Clinton cynically declared that coal-bearing regions of Utah were off limits to mining to reward his Indonesian financial backers part of a new protected area his supporters exclaimed that it was proof of what a great environmentalist he was?

Nary a peep from the same people about President Bush, who has actually been creating protected areas for legitimate reasons.
President George W. Bush has designated three national monuments around 11 Pacific islands, White House officials said today. The marine preserves, which include the Mariana Trench, the Rose Atoll in American Samoa, and several islands in the central Pacific, spans 505,000 square kilometers--about the size of Spain--making it the largest area ever protected in one swoop.

More evidence that he's in the pocket of "big oil". *eyeroll*

bush administration, environmental policy

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