McCain edges past Huckabee in South Carolina. Fred Thompson came in third (so long Fred, it was nice knowing you) followed by Romney, Paul, Giuliani and Hunter. I hope Fred stays in the race at least until the early February primaries to keep his message alive. I think he has helped pull the other candidates toward Reaganism.
Rudy has to be really, really rethinking is strategy at this point. The continued lower-tier finishes are dragging down his numbers elsewhere, including in Florida. He didn't have to spend a lot of money in other states but he should have at least showed up to remind people he was still running. :P
McCain's victory speech...okay, I know he's excited but he only won South Carolina, not the nomination. He's also talking about 2001 as if he supported the tax cuts. Mmmm, no, you didn't. You claim you didn't because there was not any effort to control spending. That's like throwing the baby out with the bath water. Tax cuts work much better with spending cuts but Reagan should have taught you that half a loaf is better than nothing! If you support tax cuts you vote for them. Fight for spending cuts for spending cuts!
Huckabee continues to win over the religious conservative bloc. That's all well and good but time is running out for him to expand beyond the evangelical base. Romney has appealed to religious conservatives as well, and has won more contests to date.
Ah, time to watch the pundits explain why they were wrong. :D