the refusal of politically correct Europeans to call a Muslim a Muslim:
Well, even if the French themselves no longer care, I am still very grateful to Charles Martel for turning back that youth invasion of France in 732. If they had won, they would have forced all the French to become teenagers.
The reference is to the battle in 732 at Tours (aka Poitiers) which turned back an Islamic invasion of Europe that had already taken over the Iberian peninsula. From there the Islamic forces were turned back and the Iberian peninsula retaken (
the "reconquista").
So while Muslim "youths" again riot in France the politically correct look the other way and make excuses for them. I'm sure somewhere some liberal is proposing the French give up land for "peace", as Israel has been doing for the past 40 years.
Perhaps France is ready to surrender this time around? If I recall correctly France hasn't yet surrendered to a swarm of lawless "youths".