Media Matters,
burned by their false reporting on Rush Limbaugh have tried to obscure that lie with another one: that Rush "edited" his transcript to hide the truth.
A serious charge, but knowing Media Matters as we do we know it's very likely to be false. And it is!
What Rush "edited" was the second part of the call which had nothing to do with the issue of phony soldiers. The caller went on to talk about WMD in Iraq. Wow, that's quite a "revelation", Media Matters! Here is what Media Matters claims to "damn" Rush Limbaugh:
LIMBAUGH: -- know where you're going these days, the last four years, if you signed up. The odds are you're going there or Afghanistan or somewhere.
CALLER 2: Exactly, sir. And, and my other comment was -- and the reason I was calling for -- was to report to Jill about the fact that we didn't, didn't find any weapons of mass destruction. Actually, we have found weapons of mass destruction in chemical agents that [inaudible] been using against us for awhile now.
I've done two tours in Iraq. I just got back in June and there were many instances of -- since [inaudible] not know what they're using in their IEDs [improvised explosive devices]. They're using mustard artillery rounds. The VX artillery rounds in their IEDs.
Because they didn't know what they were using, they didn't do it right, and so it just kind of -- it, it didn't really hurt anybody but there are -- those munitions are over there, it's just -- it's a huge desert. If they've buried it somewhere, we're never gonna find it.
LIMBAUGH: Well, you know, that's a moot point for me right now --
MIKE: Rush --
LIMBAUGH: -- the weapons of mass destruction. We gotta get beyond that. We're, we're there. What -- who cares if, if -- we all know they were there and, and Mahmoud [Ahmadinejad, Iranian president] even admitted it in one of his speeches here about -- talkin' about Saddam using the poison mustard gas or whatever it is on his own people -- but that, that's moot, right? What, what's more important is all this is taking place now in the midst of the surge working.
And all of these anti-war Democrats are getting even more hell-bent on pulling out of there, which means that success on the part of you and, and your colleagues over there is, is a great threat to them.
As I said, it has nothing to do with the phony soldiers issue. And notice how Media Matters glosses over the fact that a soldier is verifying that WMD have been found in Iraq?
What this is is tacit admission from the scumbags at Media Matters that the truth is not even on their radar screen. Their job is to smear as many people as they can to run interference for Hillary Clinton. Just like the smear machine from 1992 the aim is to keep opponents of the Clintons chasing false rumors and smears so they don't have time to get their own message out.
It is despicable behavior, but what can you expect from an organization funded by a Nazi like George Soros? He has made it quite clear that he will use his billions to bring down American democracy and replace it with socialism. And there is nothing more socialist than the Big Lie.