Such a delicious title. Leffler’s Shooting Michael Moore reveals another side of Moore. We learn that while writing books and shooting films that expose America’s inequities and presenting himself as a moral compass, he abused the non-profit status, engaged in questionable tax practices, violated environmental laws, and invested in Halliburton, oil stocks, leading drug companies, and HMO-chains. Additionally, contrary to his public persona, he used and deceived both the “little people” as well as U.S servicemen, and Flint’s populace is still waiting for him to bring promised jobs.
I always said someone should do to Michael what he does to others.
BTW-Sicko is still a flopo. It's never going to reach $30 million, let alone the $40 million Harvey and Bob said Sicko would gross to "investors".
Has Michael become CNN's "worst nightmare" yet? :D He must be bummed that he could only find about five million suckers this time around.