Bill Clinton armed and trained al Qaeda?

Aug 06, 2007 20:20

A news agency in Belgrade is reporting that a new book offers the theory that Bill Clinton, while President, worked with Iran to arm and train al Qaeda as a force to combat the Serbs in Bosnia.
Schindler, author of a book on terrorism, told CNN Al-Qaeda members were invited to Bosnia by that country’s leadership, where they set up training camps operational from 1992 until 1995.

He claims Osama Bin Laden exploited the war in Bosnia for his own interests, and says there was “a worrying level of support” for the Mujahedin on the part of the U.S. administration of that time.

RFE reported that the book looks into the way in which the Clinton administration cooperated with Iran to arm the Mujahedin fighting in Bosnia, including Al-Qaeda, with weapons and equipment worth millions of dollars.

Interesting theory.

The book:

About the book:
The Bosnian conflict of 1992 to 1995 has been largely misrepresented in the West . . . until now. In Unholy Terror, John R. Schindler-professor of strategy at the Naval War College and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer-reappraises the war in Bosnia, illuminating its pivotal role in the development of radical Islamic terrorism.

The long hidden truth is that Bosnia played the same role for al-Qa’ida in the 1990s that Afghanistan did in the 1980s, providing a battleground where mujahidin could learn to wage holy war. Schindler exposes how Osama bin Laden exploited the Bosnian conflict for his own ends and the disturbing level of support the U.S. government gave to the Bosnian mujahidin-just as had been done with the Afghan mujahidin. Repeating the mistakes of Afghanistan contributed to blowback of epic proportions: Khalid Sheikh Muhammad (the mastermind of 9/11) and two of the 9/11 hijacker pilots were veterans of the Bosnian jihad.

Makes you wonder just what was in all those documents Sandy Berger stole, doesn't it? And why is it that he isn't in jail for it.... And why Jamie Gorelick create that wall. And why she was put on the 9-11 Commission where she could cover everything up....

sandy berger, al qaeda, bill clinton, iran, bosnia, jamie gorelick, khalid sheikh muhammad, osama bin laden

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