There is the one Moore filmed...and the one for "ordinary people".
Reuters) - Three New York rescue workers injured in the September 11 attacks got the best treatment Cuba can offer in Michael Moore's film critique of U.S. health care, the Cuban doctors who attended them said this week.
The 9/11 responders spent 10 days on the 19th floor of Cuba's flagship hospital with a view of the Caribbean sea, a sharp contrast to many Cuban hospitals that are crumbling, badly lit, and which lack equipment and medicines.
And, of course, this service is not "free", it is paid for through tax receipts.
Moore loves this system because he would be one of the fortunate few, the politically well connected and politically correct people who would receive treatment at the posh facilities shown to the rest of the world while the "ordinary people" would be forced to fend for themselves...assuming they managed to make it off the wait list and not die of "natural causes".
The fact is that the problems in our own system are largely due to bureaucrats controlling essential functions. The cure for that is not more bureaucracy, but less.