Zombie immigration bill killed...again

Jun 28, 2007 15:06

There is no telling how many times we will have to kill this (or a similar) bill.

Politicians in Washington are once again mistaking doing "something" for doing what is right.

Write your representatives in Congress and tell them you want:
  • Secure borders. That means a fence between us and Mexico. Secure borders must be the first thing accomplished.
  • Deportation of illegal immigrants with (other) criminal records. Repeat offenders do no make good citizens.
  • Putting the other illegal immigrants at the back of the line, whether in terms of time or money. They should not be rewarded for their lawbreaking.
  • Prohibit the "backdating" of government benefits for illegal immigrants. They should never collect a dime in benefits until they are here legally and then only measuring the time they have been legal.
  • No voting rights for non-citizens, no counting them in the census for purposes of representation, taxation or other government services.
  • Pay as you go: non-citizens must pay their fair share of health care and education costs.
  • No special process for granting illegal immigrants citizenship or the rights of citizens.
  • Fines for employing illegal immigrants who do not register with the government; deportation for illegal immigrants who do not register with the government. Immigrants who register must follow the proper procedures for obtaining work permits.
  • Tax capital transfers from the US to other countries made by illegal immigrants.
  • A definite, reasonable time frame for allowing illegal immigrants to register. After that they face immediate deportation.
  • Any priority status developed for processing illegal immigrants can only be granted to those who can speak English or who have an immediate family member (spouse, child, parent, sibling) who can speak English.
These points are not unreasonable. They are not harsh. They reinforce the laws of our nation and promote respect for our laws and society.

Send this list to Congress! Tell them they'll never see another dime or another vote from you until these things have been passed into law.

federal spending, illegal immigration, immigration, congress, republicans, democrats, demographics

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