Where is the outrage over the use of weapons of mass destruction?

Mar 28, 2007 12:44

It's all quiet on the "peace and social justice" front as insurgents in Iraq continue to use weapons of mass destruction against civilians.

There have been at least eight poison gas attacks in Iraq yet the people who take to the streets to protest the mere presence of WMD in western countries remain silent.

Their silence speaks volumes about their true interests and true goals.

The only people they wish to disarm are freedom loving countries in the west.

When those same countries, or their allies are attacked with WMD they remain silent because that is just fine with them.

You won't find Casey Sheehan's mom or ANSWER protesting in Iraq over this. No one in the United Nations is expressing outrage over these war crimes.

We all know what would happen if the United States or one of its allies used poison gas. Ask yourself why there is such a disparity in reactions when we are the victim of such attacks.

war crimes, iraq, poison gas, wmd

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