Holy cow, the
moonbats are out in force!
If the Democratic Party places its highest and most valuable political debate - that over our nominee to the Presidency - on Fox News, we are giving a Republican partisan news outlet the ability to argue that they are not biased. We force thousands of diehard Democrats to watch a Republican propaganda
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They argue the hypocrasy of Fox news and many of the followers because they say the reports are fair and balanced, and they're not... they just lean the opposite direction
both sides are completely wrong when it comes to good journalism...
but that's just my journalism major tha refuses to have a liberal school's brainwashing take affect...
I honestly can't stand any of the mainstream sources... any news outlet that forces their opinion and claim it as hard news is wrong and does not have my support.
but Fox still annoys me when they claim that they're not biased lol
Fox has always invited mainstream members from each party on their shows and have an equally broad array on their panels. A typical Fox panel has a conservative, a liberal and two moderates/centrists.
When you see people like Ann Coulter (who I think it is safe to say is the current "loose cannon" in conservatism), it is in the context of them being in the news and not as the sole representative of conservatism.
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