The funny thing about Hillary flip-flopping on various issues like Iraq is that it really doesn't matter what she says.
People who support her assume that she is just saying what she has to in order to get elected. People who don't like her won't like what she is saying now any more than what she said earlier.
She will probably fool enough swing voters to make her election a good possibility, but those are voters who wish to be fooled.
What everyone should remember, however, is that Hillary is very likely to bring unintended consequences with her if she is elected...just like her husband did.
Returning Republicans to power in Congress in 2010 might even be worth seeing her in office.
As long as they resemble the Republicans of 1994 more than the Republicans of 2004.
In the mean time Republicans would to well to keep their eye on current tasks that need attention, rather that worry about what might happen in 2008.