October Surprise is the term used for political tricks that occur right before a November election.
There are signs that this year's dirty trick from the Democrats is the Mark Foley affair. Not that Mark Foley isn't guilty, he is. However, it appears that Democrats, far from being innocent lambs who are outraged (outraged, they say) about the whole matter and claim Republicans sat on it for political gain have they themselves engineered the leaking of the information to harm the Republicans right before the 2006 election.
That's right. Apparently they not only knew about it, they set up a 'false-front' blog:
http://stopsexpredators.blogspot.com/ so they could "leak" the information. In addition the hardcopies of the "emails" have apparently been altered. The
copies from CREW are no longer available. SSP has also been "sanitizing" its website. The blogosphere has been pointing out that the ones in SSP do not match the ones published by CREW, as if they were being told over the phone or in another form of communication what words to put down but not the "little things" like which words to capitalize, what the email subject header should be, etc.
Something fishy is going on here. Given the Democrat tendency to cheat in elections I am not surprised to hear that there is political dirty tricks going on behind the scenes. One thing is clear: this is not a "new" story. It breaking now is more than just coincidence.
Far from being "concerned about the children" whoever had this information sat on it for months until they could use it as an October surprise.
Also, word is that the person behind this might be a "Republican gay outer", a vigilante who "outs" Republican gays. Wow, nice to see how liberal gays treat their brethren, isn't it?
Of course, none of this means that the Congressman involved should not suffer the consequences of his behavior, he should. However, we have (or at least used to have) a concept in this nation that our system of justice operated best when those who seek justice abide by lawful and ethical behavior.