Joe Lieberman (R-CT)?

Aug 09, 2006 22:01

I know the loony left is busy celebrating their "victory" in Connecticut, but is it really a victory?

They've forced one of their most respected members to run as an independent. If he wins in November, just how likely is he to rejoin the Democrat Party or even join the Democrat caucus in the Senate? There is a very good possibility that the Republican Party will court Lieberman during the campaign in the hopes that he joins the Republican Party after the election if he wins. That is a very real possibility.

Meanwhile, what message has the loony left sent to Jewish voters? The left always has paid faint praise for their Jewish constituency. With increasing frequency the left displays openly anti-Semitic behavior. Their "cut and run" strategy for losing the war on terrorism goes hand in hand with Hezbollah's strategy for winning the propaganda war against Israel and forcing it to give up any military victories it has won on the battlefield by playing on anti-Semitic prejudices throughout the world.

The Republicans, of course, welcome the Democrat strategy and the new Republican voters it will bring to the party. Democrats registered about 30,000 new voters to unseat Lieberman. How many former Democrats will become Republicans over the next few months? It will be entertaining to see a Senate where the biggest opposition to Republican measures comes not from the few Democrats left in office but from the Northeastern contingent of Republican Senators.

Democrats have been following a one step forward, two steps back strategy for years. I am happy to see them continue that strategy in the 2006 election cycle and happier still to see the new Republican voters that are generated from it.

joe lieberman, connecticut, 2006 election

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