Democrats descend into mass hysteria.

Nov 20, 2005 14:26

mass hysteria

1. Spontaneous, en masse development of identical physical or emotional symptoms among a group of individuals, as in a classroom of schoolchildren.
2. A socially contagious frenzy of irrational behavior in a group of people as a reaction to an event.

The event that has sparked the mass hysteria among Democrats is the re-election of President George W. Bush.

Democrats refused to accept his victory in 2000 but were stymied by 9-11. They could not move directly against a popular wartime president, so they turned towards the 2002 and 2004 elections for solace. Finding none, the emerged from 2004 election defeat determined to bring down someone they see as a criminal.

The result has been the transformation of an ideologically bankrupt political party into a dangerous, militant party that resembles a fascist or marxist revolutionary movement.

The carousel-like nature of their conspiracy plot revolving around the self-outing Valerie Plame and her lying weasel of a husband Joe Wilson is just one example of this transformation. The Democrats first accused Karl Rove and Dick Cheney of being behind the plot. Then came a stream of other officials. When no one was found to be at fault for outing the self-outing Valerie Plame, Democrats seized upon the allegedly criminal behavior of Scooter Libby during the investigation that all of the people they had accused were indeed guilty, despite the lack of evidence.

Now that yet another journalist, Bob Woodward, has stated that he also knew about Valerie Plame, and before any of the acknowledged administration officials said anything to Judith Miller, Matthew Cooper or other journalists involved in the investigation Democrats once again turned logic on its head and insisted that this was proof that someone else in the administration must be guilty. Their targets this time: Condi Rice and her successor at national security, Stephen Hadley. Donald Rumsfeld's name is also being bandied about as Democrats desperately search for someone, anyone on which to pin a crime.

Make no mistake, the ultimate target all along has been President George W. Bush. Unable to defeat him at the ballot box, the Democrats have turned to the militant tactics of totalitarians in order to usurp the legitimate government of the United Stated during wartime.

The false charges that President George W. Bush lied to instigate the liberation of Iraq are belied by the Democrats own statements over the past 15 years, but that does not stop them or their allies in the MSM from spreading the Big Lie that President George W. Bush knew differently than dozens of nations and their entire intelligence networks, but somehow kept it a secret from everyone. Indeed, the war in Iraq is going much better than a similar situation in Bosnia. Two years after Iraq was liberated it has a ruling transitional government, scheduled elections for a permanent government and a constitution. Bosnia has no constitution and is still controlled by a foreign administrator. This after Americans were promised that their troops would be "home by Christmas" that year. I suggest to the Democrats that if they want to "bring the troops home" they start with the troops still languishing in the Balkans due to the previous administrations attempts to "mislead us into war".

The Democrat leaders anti-war revisionism and propaganda is reminiscent of the Marxist movement in Russia in 1917. Spreading defeatism and telling soldiers to shoot their officers is only one similarity between today's Democrats and last century's Marxist-Leninists. The perversion of the judicial process into a machine for punishing your political opponents is another similarity. Rogue prosecutor Ronnie Earle has shopped grand juries until he found one willing to quickly review tainted evidence and return an indictment against Earle's political enemies. Senate Democrats have perverted the nomination process to attack judicial nominees and stall the confirmation process.

Democrats with ethical problems surrounding their earlier pro-war status are now using that earlier stance a shield to both protect them against new criticism against the war and to excuse the inevitable ethics investigation as a mere "political retaliation" against their new stance. Criticized by active duty military personnel as promoting cowardly policies, these Democrats attack Republicans as "chicken hawks" who never went to war, as if a lack of military experience disqualifies someone from defending the military against attacks from former members.

A similar campaign of lies is behind Democrat criticism of the administration fiscal policies. For example, the federal deficit has been reduced to less than 3% of GDP, yet Democrats continue to call the deficit "the largest in history", a claim that has never been true. In addition, when Republicans propose even the most modest spending reforms, such as increasing spending at "only" 7 percent instead of 7.3 percent, Democrats attack them as wanting to starve children. Try to carve a few billion dollars a year from increases in spending results in a bare-minimum win of 217-215 in the House, yet Democrats continue to claim that they are for a balanced budget even though not one of them voted in favor of the spending limits.

One thing is clear, the leaders of the Democrat Party are either suffering from mass hysteria or they are determined to use the methods of totalitarian movements to gain power.

I'm not sure which is worse.

congress, federal deficit, democrats, george w. bush, joe wilson, federal spending, condi rice, republicans, valerie plame, msm

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