great article at The Weekly Standard.
Meanwhile, a kind of ideological criminalization of active, visible conservatives has become almost second nature to the left and the elite professions, including journalism and teaching, in which they predominate. Did Dick Cheney change his views on regime change in Iraq between 1991 and 2003? Don't ask him why. It's enough to give a one-word explanation of his views: "Halliburton." The unspoken premise is that Cheney changed his position to line his pockets.
You can see it happening on LiveJournal, too. Bill Bennett is a racist. No questions asked or tolerated, it has been decreed! Tom DeLay guilty as charged...who needs evidence?! Bill Frist...who cares if Hillary had the same kind of blind trust with the same kind of health care stocks when she was trying to foist HillaryCare on America? He's guilty, guilty, guilty!
Of course, anyone who points out that the accusations are baseless or that liberals are doing (or have done) very similar things without being investigated for criminal activity are also condemned as racists and/or ignorant mouthpieces of the evil neocons.
Guilt by association combined with ad hominem attacks.
I don't consider myself a conservative, but I am a target of similar attacks because of my association with conservatives. That is, if you are with the conservatives you are a criminal, too, according to the extremists on the left.
Bring it on, leftists, I've heard worse. It'll take more than your words to stop freedom and liberty.