The left, especially the rage addicts here on ONTD political, are deeply in denial over Chick-fil-A. When their attempts to bully and intimidate the restaurant failed spectacularly ($100 million in sales in one day!) and their silly "kiss in" was a flop of equal proportions they've simply turned to another Big Lie about the chain.
The hate-filled bigots on the left are now claiming that the President of Chick-fil-A has promised to "fire anyone who is gay" and display a map of where "people can be fired simply for being gay" (i.e., there isn't a specific law against it) with the Chick-fil-A logo plastered all over it.
It's silly, and they obviously haven't learned their lesson about being bigots and bullies. When Chick-fil-A continues to be a popular restaurant and (in all likelyhood) sets sales record for this quarter they will not doubt claim it is "hate" from their opponents who made that happen.
Nope, it's YOUR hate that made that happen! Look in the mirror, do you like what you see?