Liberals have greatly accelerated their plans to enslave enough of the populace to guarantee a "voting majority". The plan should be obvious to all but so many refuse to acknowledge it for what it is: slavery.
Liberals were handed a gift when federal taxes were lifted from about half the population. With such a large number of people not paying into the system it was easy to expand the "vilify the rich" propaganda and blame all of the nation's ills on those evil rich people. If only they would pay even more in taxes no one would have to worry about anything! Everything would be free!
Coupled with the huge increase in government employment (and the lavish pay and retirement benefits layered on in the 1990s and 2000s) the left now has a powerful army of followers ready to fight tooth and nail to keep their comfortable slave society intact.
Democrats have bet that the problem with slavery wasn't that it's an unethical, criminal activity but that it wasn't cushy enough for the victims. Forget the steel chains and prison-like housing...provide the victims with economic chains and a velvet-lined cage and they will happily throw away the keys themselves.
People who work with elephants know that once the elephant has learned that a chain restricts them they can be controlled without the real chains because the elephant will continue to feel restrained psychologically. Democrats know the same thing is true of some voters. They are betting that at least 51% of them will not only feel psychologically constrained by liberalism, but be comfortable enough in their slavery to not want to do anything about it.