The government has
a new plan to bitch-slap responsible citizens with their own tax dollars.
That's right, if you have been making your payments on time...fuck off! The government is only out to bribe people who haven't been paying their bills.
I suppose Obama knows that people who pay their bills on time are likely to vote Republican, so why waste good bribe money on them?
Similar plans were roundly denounced during the 2008 campaign but this new campaign is very "stealthy". It is designed to fly under the radar and quickly reward potential Obama voters with free money worth up to $50K. (If that number sounds familiar it is because that's the same amount Obama's aggrieved farmer reparations program gives out.)
As with the other giveaway programs I urge everyone to apply for them. Only by quickly draining the resources (and giving them the added insult of funding political opponents) can we end these fiscally irresponsible programs.