The Global Warming hoaxers love to pronounce that any weather event they deem to be unusual (especially those dealing with high temperatures or drought) are evidence supporting their theories about climate change.
Funny thing about
stories like this. The hoaxers have conflicting claims about such cold weather events. First they rush to say phrases like "weather is not climate" in an attempt to isolate the cold weather event as trivial. When people point out that the same "isolated" events are used by them to support their notions the hoaxers switch to a different tactic: claiming that even cold weather events are driven by global warming (they mean "climate change", of course).
In other words, no matter what happens, where it happens or when it happens it is all evidence that supports their claims. Sounds a lot like the snake oil salesmen of yesteryear, doesn't it? "Cures all that ails you!" was their claim. Today's snake oil salesmen have a similar claim: "all that ails you is caused by global warming".
Of course only a sucker is taken in by such claims.
Those who take an honest look at the history of this planet know that we have seen much more extreme changes in climate than what the hoaxers are presenting as "unprecedented". Glaciers used to extend down to New York City and the Ohio valley. At other times a great inland sea separated the east and west coasts of America. For millions of years Antarctica was inhabited and saw snow only in the winter. New Jersey used to share land with Morocco. There used to be dry land where the Mediterranean and Black seas are now. The Sahara used to be covered by forests.
When you realize these established, verifiable facts you understand how far from real science the hoaxers have fallen and how false their claims are.