More and more evidence trickles in painting a picture of someone who was disturbed and getting worse as time passed.
Once Pima Community College expelled him for his behavior there should have been action taken to make sure he couldn't purchase guns or other dangerous implements and his parents should have at the very least put him in counseling.
Almost as disturbing as the tragic events of this weekend were the immediate attempts to politicize the events. Among the worst offenders were Dick Durbin, (Pima County Sheriff) Clarence Dupnik, Paul Krugman, almost all of the MSM, the Tea Party haters and everyone suffering from Glenn Beck and/or Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome.
The above people and the foolish people who believe them have it backward. Movements like the Tea Party, the talk radio resurgence and the popularity of Fox News have happened because people are tired of being accused of the most vile acts and deeds without evidence, then tried and convicted in the liberal mainstream media (MSM) without any chance to defend themselves.
And every time someone jumped up to accuse an innocent person as the "reason" the tragic events of this weekend occurred they did nothing more than expose their own ignorance and mendacity...and create another person determined not to be a victim any more.
For those of you still searching for someone to blame I have the answer you should have seen all along. The person to blame is: Jared Lee Loughner.