There is
no free lunch!
"I cried and I panicked," said Erin LaBarge, 47. This would have been her third straight year receiving a free mammogram through the screening program in St. Lawrence County. But the Norwood, N.Y., resident was told she couldn't get her free mammogram this year because there isn't enough money and she's not old enough.
New York used to screen women of all ages, but this year the budget crunch has forced them to focus on those considered at highest risk and exclude women under 50.
Remember that little news blurb a while back about a government panel recommending waiting until you are 50 to get a mammogram? Like I said, it's all part of the process of justifying denying you care.
The usual suspects can deny it all they like but facts are facts: when the government runs out of your money and it can't get any more it simply shuts down all those "free" services.
It always has and it always will.